April 2020

How to Download Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 All free.
To download this Adobe Photoshop cc 2019, 
Go to below

The rules for installing and replacing crack files Adobe Photoshop CC 2019
অ্যাডোব ফটোশপ সিসি 2019 সমস্ত কীভাবে ডাউনলোড করবেন।
  • If an antivirus is installed on the PC, disable it temporarily. (পিসিতে যদি কোন এন্টিভাইরাস ইন্সটল করা থাকে তবে সাময়িকের জন্য তা ইনএ্যাকটিভ বা বন্ধ করুন।)
  • Download the file from the link above. The file will be downloaded in RAR format.(ওপরের লিংক থেকে ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করুন। ফাইলটি RAR ফরমেটে ডাউনলোড হবে।)
  • Now double-click on the C Files Program Files folder. (এবারে C ড্রাইভের Program Files ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।)
  • Then double-click the Adobe Folder, and double-click the Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 folder. (অতপর Adobe ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করে Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।)
  • Now double-click the Contents folder and double-click the Windows folder. (এবারে Contents ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করে Windows ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।) 
  • Then copy the Photoshop application file from the extracted file and paste it into the Windows folder. (এরপর এক্সট্রাক্টকৃত ফাইল হতে Photoshop এ্যাপ্লিকেশন ফাইলটি কপি করে Windows ফোল্ডারে পেস্ট করুন।)
  • When you receive a message, click Copy and Replace. (কোন বার্তা এলে Copy and Replace ক্লিক করুন।)

Note: If there is a problem download the crack file and close the Internet connection and replace the Illustrator file. If that does not solve the problem, please comment. Of course I will try to solve it, Insha Allah.

Find out, how to recover all files and data deleted from your computer's hard disk
Mistakenly deleted the hard disk file? Or have you formatted? Alas Wow All finished !!! 😭😭😭😭
বাংলায় পড়তে একটু নিচে যান
Wait Wait Wait !!! Believe me…it'll be back again. Yes, it is possible to recover any deleted files from your computer's hard disk...💪💪
If you search on Google you will find many software. But many do not know which one will be better. I use two software. One Ontrack Easy Recovery is another File Scavenger.

How to download this right software...?
1. Search by typing free download (Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional with crack) into the Google search box;

2. Many links will come. Enter one of the links. I downloaded it from (Softasm's) page;

3. Download by clicking the correct link button on the download;

How to install...?

1. Download it as a zip file, unzip it (copy it to a new folder on the drive where you can find the downloaded file, then right-click on the file -> Extract Here)

2. First How To Install - Read the crack file well and start working as instructed;

3. Double-click Setup.exe and follow the instructions;

4. Launch before pressing the Finish button ……. Uncheck the box, then click the Finish button;

5. Copy the Ontrack Easy Recoveryfor Windows file from the Crack folder;
6. Paste into C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Ontrack \ EasyRecovery; If you want to confirm, do so; (If you do not work properly from 1 to 5, the full version will not be installed.);
বাংলায় পড়তে একটু নিচে যান

How to recover all files and data...?

1. Open the program by double-clicking the OntrackEasyRecovery icon from the desktop;

2. Click on the number of files you want to recover in the picture window, and then click Next;
3. Click Scan to select the drives from which you want to retrieve the data displayed in the Picture 2 window;
4. Click OK in the photo window 3;
5. If you can't find the missing data, do a deep scan (this can take a long time);
6. You will find your existing and lost folders in the photo 4 window. Uncheck the Lost folders and release the rest and click Recover;
7. Click on Advance Settings in the Recover window and click OK on deleted files and folders (picture 5);
8. Browse, select the folder where you want to save the saved data and click Start Saving (picture 6;
If you can recover lost data, you can share your experience on our page.

Please be careful inside the house you and your family member.. Do not leave outside for 1 seconds without need..And please pray to Allah. Because, He is the one who protects us..
Stay home, Stay safe

ভুল করে হার্ডডিস্কের ফাইল মুছে ফেলেছেন? কিংবা ফরমেটও করে ফেলেছেন? হায়! হায়!! সব শেষ!!!

Wait Wait Wait!!! বিশ্বাস করুন…..সব আবার ফিরে পাবেন। হ্যাঁ, কম্পিউটারের হার্ডডিস্ক থেকে যেভাবেই হোক মুছে যাওয়া সকল ফাইল উদ্ধার করা সম্ভব। Google-এ সার্চ দিলে অনেক সফটওয়্যার পাবেন। কিন্তু অনেকেই বুঝতে পারেন না কোনটি ভালো হবে। আমি দুটো সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করি। একটা Ontrack EasyRecovery আরেকটা File Scavenger. 

কীভাবে ডাউনলোড করবেন?
১. Google সার্চ বক্সে free download Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional with crack লিখে সার্চ দিন;

২. অনেকগুলো লিংক আসবে। যেকোনো একটা লিংকে ঢুকুন। আমি Softasm-এর পেজ থেকে ডাউনলোড করেছি;

৩. ডাউনলোডের সঠিক লিংক বাটন ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করুন;
কীভাবে ইনস্টল করবেন?
১. zip ফাইল হিসেবে ডাউনলোড হবে, তা unzip করুন (ডাউনলোড হওয়া ফাইলটা খুঁজে পেতে সুবিধা হয় এমন ড্রাইভে একটা নতুন ফোল্ডারে কপি করে নিয়ে যান। তারপর ফাইলের উপর Right Click -> Extract Here)

২.  প্রথমে How To Install – Crack ফাইলটা ভালো করে পড়ুন এবং নির্দেশনা অনুযায়ী কাজ শুরু করুন;

৩.  Setup.exe ডাবল ক্লিক দিন এবং ইনস্ট্রাকশন ফলো করুন;
৪.  Finish বাটন প্রেস করার আগে Launch……. বক্সের টিক তুলে দিন, তারপর Finish বাটন ক্লিক করুন; 

৫.  Crack ফোল্ডার থেকে OntrackEasyRecoveryforWindows ফাইলটা কপি করুন;

৬.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Ontrack\EasyRecovery-এর মধ্যে Paste করুন; Confirm চাইলে তা করুন; (যদি ৪ থেকে ৬ পর্যন্ত কাজটি সঠিকভাবে না করেন, তবে Full ভার্সন ইনস্টল হবেনা।);

ডাটা উদ্ধার করবেন কীভাবে?

১. Desktop থেকে OntrackEasyRecovery আইকন ডাবল ক্লিক করে প্রোগ্রামটি ওপেন করুন;

২. ১নং ছবির উইন্ডোতে প্রদর্শিত যে ফাইলগুলো উদ্ধার করতে চান সেগুলোতে টিক দিয়ে Next ক্লিক দিন;
৩. ২নং ছবির উইন্ডোতে প্রদর্শিত যে ড্রাইভগুলো থেকে ডাটা উদ্ধার করতে চান সেগুলোতে টিক দিয়ে Scan ক্লিক দিন;
৪. ৩ নং ছবির উন্ডোতে OK ক্লিক দিন;
৫. যদি আপনার হারিয়ে যাওয়া ডাটা না পান, তাহলে Deep Scan করুন (এটা করলে অনেক সময় লাগবে);

৬. ৪নং ছবির উইন্ডোতে আপনার existing এবং lost folders পাবেন। Lost folders-এর টিক রেখে বাকীগুলো তুলে দিন এবং Recover ক্লিক দিন;
৭. Recover উইন্ডোর Advance Settings-এ ক্লিক দিন এবং Only deleted files and folders-এ টিক দিয়ে OK ক্লিক দিন (৫নং ছবি);
৮.  Browse ক্লিক দিয়ে উদ্ধার করা ডাটা যেখানে সংরক্ষণ করতে চান সেই ফোল্ডার সিলেক্ট করে Start Saving ক্লিক করুন (৬নং ছবি);

হারিয়ে যাওয়া ডাটা উদ্ধার করতে পারলেন কিনা, আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা আমাদের পেজে শেয়ার করতে পারেন।

আপনি এবং আপনার পরিবারের সদস্যদের বাড়ির ভিতরে সাবধানতা অবলম্বন করুন .. প্রয়োজন ছাড়া 1 সেকেন্ডের জন্য বাইরে যাবেন না ... এবং আল্লাহর কাছে দোয়া করুন  কারণ, তিনিই আমাদের রক্ষা করেন ..

বাড়িতে থাকুন, নিরাপদে থাকুন

How to Download Adobe Illustrator cc 2019 All free.

What is Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and Why?

Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 is the most popular application software for vector based graphics. Which is commonly known as Illustrator.

To download this Adobe Illustrator cc 2019, 
Go to below

Adobe Systems released the first version on 19 March, 1987. Later it is gradually becoming one of the most popular software marketed by Adobe Systems.

Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 is the latest version of Adobe Illustrator. It creates logos, banners and vector graphics designs of all types.
Adobe Illustrator is supported on both Mac and Windows operating systems.
It can be installed from the Adobe Creative Cloud application. Besides, you can download from below link without any hassle.

Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 offers the ability to run free for 7 days after installation. After 7 days it automatically becomes inactive. But by downloading and replacing the file from the link below, you can easily use it for free throughout your lifetime.

The rules for installing and replacing crack files of Adobe Illustrator CC 2019.
অ্যাডোব ইলাস্ট্রেটর সিসি 2019, ক্র্যাক ফাইল ইনস্টল এবং প্রতিস্থাপনের নিয়ম
  • If an antivirus is installed on the PC, disable it temporarily. (পিসিতে যদি কোন এন্টিভাইরাস ইন্সটল করা থাকে তবে সাময়িকের জন্য তা ইনএ্যাকটিভ বা বন্ধ করুন।)
  • Download the file from the link above. The file will be downloaded in RAR format.(ওপরের লিংক থেকে ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করুন। ফাইলটি RAR ফরমেটে ডাউনলোড হবে।)
  • Then extract the file.(অতপর ফাইলটি এক্সট্রাক্ট করুন।)
  • Now double-click on the C Files Program Files folder. (এবারে C ড্রাইভের Program Files ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।)
  • Then double-click the Adobe Folder, and double-click the Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 folder. (অতপর Adobe ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করে Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।)
  • Now double-click the Contents folder and double-click the Windows folder. (এবারে Contents ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করে Windows ফোল্ডার ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।) 
  • Then copy the Illustrator application file from the extracted file and paste it into the Windows folder. (এরপর এক্সট্রাক্টকৃত ফাইল হতে Illustrator এ্যাপ্লিকেশন ফাইলটি কপি করে Windows ফোল্ডারে পেস্ট করুন।)
  • When you receive a message, click Copy and Replace. (কোন বার্তা এলে Copy and Replace ক্লিক করুন।)

Note: If there is a problem download the crack file and close the Internet connection and replace the Illustrator file. If that does not solve the problem, please comment. Of course I will try to solve it, Insha Allah.

Best 10 app for video editing on mobile 2020

Video editing is a daunting task for any device. On the computer, where you have to go through the complexity of RAM and specification when editing video, it is high to expect functional software like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premier Pro on smartphones. However, there are some video editing apps for smartphones that have very good video editing capabilities, even under such restrictions. Today we will talk about the top 5 video editing apps for smartphones.


For those who spend a little time on video editing on the phone, the name Kinemaster is not unknown. Advanced video editing, such as trimming, cropping, video layering, advanced features like the app. Kinemaster has audio filters, video transitions, video effects and more. One of the reasons why the app has gained so much fame, the main feature is the chroma key. Using this feature, you can add a favorite video or image by removing the green screen on the video. Although not as powerful as computer video editors, the Kinemaster app for phones is at the top of users' choice as a video editor.

Filmora Go

Wondershare's App Filmora Go, a free video editing app that offers many tools and features for free.

The Filmora Go app has basic video editing tools such as trim, cut, render, etc. There is also Reverse Video, a popular square video on Instagram (1: 3), and a 4: 6 ratio for YouTube.

In addition to these advantages, there are slow-motion, transition, video filters, overlays, and even the ability to add songs. While most features of the app can be enjoyed for free, additional premium features will also be available in exchange for extra money.


PowerDirect is an all-in-one video editing app. The PowerDirector app is filled with numerous video editing tools, features and effects. The app has all the amazing features like collage maker, slow motion. With the classic timeline editor interface the app is very easy to work with.

Basically if you use a large display device, such as a foldable, tablet or Chromebook, the PowerDirector app will not disappoint you.


If you are searching for Facebook, Instagram or Ticketkeeping Video Editing App, the Insight app will bring a sense of relief to you.

Video, song, voiceover and effects can be added to the video using the Insight app. There is also the opportunity to add stickers and text.

It also has slow motion, fast motion and various features. Besides all the advantages, the basic editing features, such as cut, crop, trim are all there. Apart from video, there is also the benefit of photo editing in the app.

Adobe Premier Rush

Although newer than the other apps on this list, there is no reason to doubt the functionality of the Adobe Premier Rush app. This app retains the reputation of Adobe's computer software, Premier Pro. Besides all the video editing features of BASIC, Adobe Premier Rush offers some additional features. However, users will have to spend a certain amount of money to enjoy the advanced benefits of multi-track syncing, cloud syncing.


VivaVideo is one of the most popular video editing apps. The app does not have a pair for short video editing, mainly for social media.

The VivaVideo app has a storyboard-type video editing interface. That means, you can edit, trim, cut, add music, as needed. The app also has more than 20 video filters, slow motion and fast motion support.


VideoShow is not a professional quality video editing app, it is basically a video making app suitable for social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Using the app you can trim videos, organize clips, add songs. The app also uses emoji to add videos, add filters, add text, and use the app.

Movie Maker Filmmaker

Moviemaker Filmmaker is a free and ad-free video editing app. It has basic features like cut, crop, trim, recorder as well as all other advanced features.

Movie Maker Filmmaker App has many video effects. You can also create your own custom video filters. The Chroma Key feature is also available in the Movie Maker Filmmaker app. And there are all the basic features like adding music.


Quick Video Editing App offers basically all the video editing features. If you add up to 5 pictures or video clips to the app, the app will make a short video by analyzing all the pictures and videos. This is how the app works.

How can I get 1st order early in Fiverr? Special Secret Tips of 2020

This article will help you with some basic directions, making it easy for you to get your first order.

1) Portfolio: The first thing you need to do is to build your work portfolio. If possible, create a portfolio website and if you do not, you will be able to upload sample work images and PDFs within your gig.

2) Fever mobile app: It is very important to always be connected with the buyers. Also, if you are online all the time, the chances of getting your order will increase. But it's not always possible to be online with a computer. So download the Fiverr app on your Android or iPhone and login it will always show you online and any new message or order will actually get the notification. Buyers often contact the cellar who is online. So you understand how important the Fever app is.

3) Social Media: Organize your profile on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus etc. and share your gigs there, the chances of getting an order will increase.

4) Creating multiple gigs: Create multiple gigs that you are skilled at. In this case, the gigs should not be the same. Be careful about that and make offers very nicely.

How to fix a hung Windows computer?  Special Secret Tips of 2020

Hanging on computers that are running Windows operating systems is nothing new. So if your Windows computer hangs, it's important to know what to do. Let's find out how to fix a hung Windows computer.

You can solve this problem based on exactly what caused the computer to hang. However, sometimes the computer may hang for some time due to a process running in the background. In a matter of seconds the computer returns to its previous state.

Full screen apps, such as games, hang if the current window closes when you press Alt + F4.

Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys to make sure the computer is working properly. You can access the Task Manager from the screen that comes up after pressing the keys. You can also log out and restart the computer. However, if this process also does not work, it is not possible to solve the problem without a reboot.

Of course, if you can access the Task Manager, you can fix the computer that is hanging from there. You can also access the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys.

After entering Task Manager, click on the Process tab. Selecting the CPU option in the column header will bring up the process that is using the most CPU power. Select the process and close the application by clicking the End Task option. If you have done any work on that application, it will be gone without being saved.

The taskbar and start menu cannot be used due to occasional hangs. In that case, problems can be solved by restarting Windows Explorer. To restart Windows Explorer, select Windows Explorer from the Tasks Manager's Process tab and click on the Restart button.

You can also restart the computer by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and then using the Restart option. Many problems are solved by computer restart.

Again you can return to the computer lock screen by pressing Windows key + L, from which you can restart the computer. If the Ctrl + Alt + Delete option doesn't work, it may not work as well.

If none of the above mentioned work, you can press Windows Key + Ctrl + Shift + B. This restarts your computer's graphics driver. If there is a graphics driver problem, this way the computer can be fixed.

If your hanging computer is not correct in any of the ways mentioned up until now, then you can try to fix the computer in a hard shut down manner.

Find the power button on your computer and hold it for 5 seconds. Shortly after shutting down, start the computer by pressing the power button normally. If your computer is stuck on the blue screen, you can fix the computer that is hanging this way. However, this method is not as secure. This may result in loss of your data. If this is not an emergency, do not follow this procedure.

How to Protect Your Computer from Hanging?

You can fix your hanging computer in any of the ways mentioned above. If the problem is sudden, there is no reason to worry. If your computer always hangs, it may be due to software or hardware issues. By following some procedures you can prevent computer hangs.

If you recently had trouble installing a new software or updating your computer, you can try System Restore. You will find the option in Control Panel> System and Security> System> System Protection> System Restore.

You can scan anti-malware to make sure your computer is hanging due to malware. Built-in Windows Defender Antivirus exists on Windows 7. You can also do the job using any other anti-malware tool.

However, if the source of the problem is hardware-related, it can be complicated to find. There may be problems with overheating. If the PC often hangs while playing games, it could be a problem with the graphics processing unit (GPU) or the main processor / RAM.

Reinstalling Windows may be a solution for software issues. There is a feature called Reset on Windows 7, which is very similar to Windows Re-install. If your computer hangs while installing Windows, it may be due to a hardware error. In that case, check your computer's hardware and make any changes as needed.

Hope this post helps you. If you have any tips you would like to share in the comments. Thanks.

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